
Art Waves Podcast, Season 1

Digital Media Management

ART WAVES brings Scugog’s arts and culture scene to your daily routine. Explore the depth of Scugog’s arts and culture through ART WAVES, fostering connections and showcasing the community’s vibrant creativity. Subscribe on your preferred podcast platform.

Radar Digital spearheaded comprehensive content management for ART WAVES, encompassing Facebook and Instagram. Responsibilities extended to newsletter creation, graphic design, and the development of the podcast’s website landing page. This involved crafting compelling visuals and ensuring a seamless online presence to enhance ART WAVES’ reach and engagement to the ideal audience. 

Radar Digital also orchestrated the guest lineup for ART WAVES, seamlessly coordinating interviews with local arts and culture practitioners.

In addition, Radar Digital configured the podcast transmission across various streaming services, ensuring widespread accessibility. The podcast was integrated with the Scugog Arts website, creating a cohesive platform for the audience to enjoy the podcast effortlessly.

Social Media Graphics

Below are the graphics created to promote the podcast on social media. Each graphic had a matching story (FB & IG), blog post, and newsletter. 

Landing Page

Radar Digital crafted a dynamic landing page for ART WAVES, showcasing all available episodes for easy exploration. The page features a convenient on-site player for instant access to the latest episode, while direct links to streaming services provide flexibility. Additionally, the landing page offers detailed information about the podcast, enhancing the overall user experience and encouraging a deeper connection with Scugog’s vibrant arts and culture scene.

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