
How To Optimize Your Instagram Bio

by | Apr 27, 2022

Your Instagram bio is one of the first things a person sees when they land on your page, so you better make sure it has an impact on visitors. It’s a chance to make a great first impression and turn visitors into followers — and followers into customers or clients. Look at it as the ultimate online business card, outside of your website, of course.

Want to write a killer Instagram bio? Follow these tips!

Start with an attractive bio description that will appeal to your target audience

A good Instagram bio should explain who you are and what you or your business does in a few short sentences. You can also focus on how you help or inspire your community if that’s your niche.

Think of it as a 150-word elevator pitch. How do you and your brand stand out from the competitors? Don’t forget to add a bit of personality.

Use keywords in your name

The name field is different than your handle and is just as valuable, though often overlooked. It’s like SEO for Instagram and adds an additional layer of discoverability to your page. Use targeted keywords, rather than just your name.

Brainstorm keywords that your audience may search, this could be your niche, product, or the city you’re located in. It’s important to consider what your target audience is searching for and the specific words they may use. Do not use the same name as your handle or you are just wasting space.

Include a CTA

Like any other marketing channel, you want to spark your audience’s interest and go beyond your bio. The best way to get people from your Instagram page to your website is with a clear call to action. Make sure it’s easy to follow, navigate, and adds value to a potential follower’s visit.

Use a link landing page

Make the most of your ‘link in bio’ by sending visitors to a dedicated landing page with all the links they could possibly be looking for. Far much easier than updating your profile on a regular basis. You can create a simple link landing page using platforms like LinkTree or Later, but you can also make your own if you have a website and a few minutes.


You can use the notes app on your phone to format your bio (ie. add spaces) just how you want. Then just copy and paste it to your Instagram bio.

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